Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer
Country of Origin India
Type of Bio Fertilizers Neem Cake
Application Agriculture
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Product Details

Packaging Size
25 kg bag
Brand Name
Amrit Neem Cake

Neem Cake is the Future of Farming in Indian and abroad. We have developed a unique Neem Cake formulation which contains more Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Calcium and Magnesium.


Neem Cake Organic Manure is very effective on growth, yield and quality of agricultural crops.

There is significant improvement in soil health in all plants treated with Neem Cake.

The organic carbon contents increased with increase in dose of Neem Cake manure.


Neem Cake Organic Manure can be used on its own as a fertilizer, but works most effectively when incorporated into the soil along with nitrogen fertilizer.

Other Uses

Nematode control: The nematodes such as Haplolaimus indicus Helicotylenchus Sp, Pratylenchus Sp, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica (root knot nematode).Tylenchorhynchus Sp and Rodopholus similis are being controlled by this Neem Cake product. It also control parasitic fungi such as R. brassica.

Insect pest control: This product also controls Grain moth, lesser grain moth and red flour beetle.

Increase in Earthworm population: Places where Neem Cake Organic Manure is used, increase in earthworm population is found.

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